Friday 20 January 2012

What about Ab's???

Over the course of the past 5 or so years  rarely has a week gone by that somebody has not asked me this question. The reference being maybe to the lack of specific abdominal work I get many of my clients to do which seems to be in conflict with there desire to get a 'six pack'. Generally I like answering questions regarding all things fitness but, this one is getting a little annoying and repetitive. Can somebody please ask me how can I improve my deadlift? or Why should I invest in organic food each week? The irony is the answers to these two questions alone would have a massive impact on your quest for a washborad stomach.

For starters being able to see your abdominal wall has largely got to do with your nutritional and sleeping habits. Some might have you believe that popping a few fat burning pills & getting on the latest ab 'gadget' a few times a week is all you need for a strong and toned stomach. Don't be fooled, usually if it is too good to be true, it is and in the fitness industry this line of least resistence type attitude is alive and well.

Nutrition is king and sleep is the prince. By habitually eating organic, clean and fresh wholefood matched with getting to bed on time we give ourselves a great chance of seeing our 'ab's'. Note, these two are done as a collective unit not in isolation. Add some gentle, moderate exercise like walking, bike riding or yoga and your mid section will start to flatten out. In contrast if you focus more on the training side of things but, choose to treat your body like a trash can with highly processed foods being a common staple in your nutrition than your mid section will more likely expand.

To expediate this process of flattening we can start training at greater intensity. The goal should be to do as many compound movements as possible or things that demand you use multiple parts of your body at once. The main issue that has to be addressed is removing surplus fat that covers the abdominal wall. This is not going to be achieved by doing set after set of sit ups or crunches. This is achieved by doing  movements that require a lot of energy and force production like - deadlifts, squats (and there variations), pull ups, push ups, snatches, kettlebell swings, lunges, burpees etc. Add in a few high intensity interval sessions each week via some sprint work and skipping and that six pack you desired will be within your grasp. When I say grasp, I mean if you do the above on a consistent basis this can be achieved. It may take 3 months, 6 months or even a year depending on the state of your body.

Once leaner there is a need to do specific movements that work on strengthening your core. Sit ups are generally are a poor choice and we should be focusing on planks, L-sits, leg raises, mountain climbers, knees to elbows to name but a few. However, for many of us we should only be performing these spasmodically until we are lean enough to start the 'polishing'. What we can do from the very start is keep everything contracted throughout all our gymnastic exercises like our lunges, squats, push ups etc. Gymnasts have incredible overall strength because in part they brace there whole body when doing any movement. Keep your body in a tight, hollow body position when doing any gymnastic work!

In closing, for all you aesthetically focused people out there, in order to get a nice lean mid-section with a visible six pack focus on the following (and yes they are in order of importance):

1. Regularly eat clean organic wholefoods  - consume easily digestible natural foods that pass through you systemically but, give you the nutrients, enzymes and minerals to maintain a strong immune system. Your gut health and ability to go to toilet says a lot about your overall health
2. Get to bed before 10:30 each night - the more sleep you get before midnight the better. It is worth double - i.e Fall asleep at 10pm and get up at 6 and feels like you have had 10 hours sleep

3. When you exercise focus on compound movements (multi joint and muscle) and a few high intensity interval sessions each week

NB: For guys to have a defined & visible abdominal wall you need an overall body fat percentage of less than 10%. For the ladies you are looking at less than 14%

See you on the training track!


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