Monday 14 November 2011

'Da Juice'

Hi people,

Hope the start of the working week has been a kind one to you.

The whether is certainly warming up & yesterday's conditions in Sydney reminded me of my time in Dubai. Uncomfortably humid with a very warm breeze.  I ventured out at 4pm to do some sprints - big mistake...1.5 hours after my 20 minute session I was still red faced, 'desert mouthed' and sweating profusely.  In order to combat dehydration we must look at drinking around 3% of our body weight or 2.5L of water each day. It is annoying to continually have to go to the bathroom but, I would rather the discomfort of this compared to the discomfort of feeling light headed, fatigued and full of toxins. Water really assists in flushing out all the toxic food stalls in our body and it often stems hunger pains. Drink, drink, drink!!!!


I am going to undertake a 48 hour experiment with an associate of mine. We plan on living on freshly squeezed fruit & vegetable juice with an emphasis on more vegetable than fruit in each juice (I will also have water). It is going to be interesting to see how we feel - energised, fatigued, light headed, sleepy, alert? I think I will feel all of those things at different times.

The core reason behind it is to give my digestive organs & internals a bit of a rest. Call it a mini detox. I really believe that if you want to shift body fat than your digestive organs have to be working to the fullest. Like any good car you want all parts of your engine working for you.

Vegetable juice acts as an internal soap that helps clean our small and large intensines. It also allows our kidneys and pancraeas a bit of a holiday. Being a liquid vegetable juice it very easy on the digestive system which allows energy for other things like processing stale food in our colons and digestive tract. In addition it is full of nutrients and minerals that are absorb into our blood stream instantly and boosts our immune system.

Looking forward to reporting on my results in my next blog.


As stated in my opening post my training of recent times has been interrupted by some upper body injuries. I have some issues with my elbow, neck/shoulder and finger. I have been relatively injury free since my days playing Rugby League so these set backs are a little frustrating.  Although frustrating it has enabled me to give myself a rest and also a chance to re-evaluate my approach to training. I have also had an opportunity to get back into some yoga which has been very interesting. What has become apparent to me and maybe is because I am getting older - the more you train the more rest, rehab/prehab & stretching you have to do. All work and no maintenance is a recipe for injury.

I have been trying to keep my lower body active without stressing my upper half out and interfering with the healing it requires. I will be starting a 'russian squat program' on Wednesday but, for the past few weeks have started to gear up the legs with plenty of low rep (1, 3, 5, 7's) sessions.

Here is a snap shot of what I have been up too the past couple of days

Monday 15/11/2011

10 rounds
30 Double Unders
100m sprint

Time: 10:12

Tuesday 16/11/2011


Back Squat

1,1,1,1,1,1,1 - @ 115kg


3 rounds

40m weighted lunge walk (20kg)
20 box jumps (75cm)

Enjoy the day and looking forward to seeing you on the training track!


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