Saturday 19 November 2011

Mind Gym

We are constantly reminded about the physical benefits of regular movement. Reduced risk of diabetes, heart disease, obesity, bone disease, high blood pressure. Additionally there is a spike in energy levels, increased life expectancy, improved sleep and a better chance to reproduce. I have only tipped the edge as well. So for many of us why is getting out on the training track so hard? Although seemingly aware of the physical benefits many of us find it difficult to make training apart of our lifestyle on a consistent basis.

The physical enhancements are undoubtedly important but, in today's post I wanted to look at the mental benefits of training. In my view these are often overlooked. Whilst our physical gains may plateau from time to time do not underestimate the mental impact regular training has on our life.

For anyone that has taken part in either of my one-on-one or group sessions knows that they are generally of an intense nature. I am constantly harping on about range of motion, technique, counting your repetitions, finishing past the cone, going through to the last minute etc, etc that even I get sick of the sound of my voice.

Your mind and your attitude really govern the 1% things I have mentioned above. It is important to bring your body to a session but, it is also important to bring your mind. Legendary American football coach Vince Lombardi said 'Winning is not a sometime thing; it's an all the time thing. You don't win once in a while; you don't do things right once in a while; you do them right all of the time. Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing'.

Take what you will from this transcript but the message I got is that we are what we repeatedly do. In fitness until you truly engage your mind than you are not really going to reach your potential. If you cut corners on the training track how do you think you will react when it gets difficult in your job or in any other area of your life? My workouts are a breeze compared to some of the struggles/stresses I am sure some of you have to overcome each day.

On the flip side the benefits from not dogging a movement, cheating on a rep and going right through to the last second might seem small at the time but, in the big picture are immeasurable. When we do have to make the difficult decision at work or at home which road do you think you would take? By engaging our mind in our workouts we develop the confidence, clarity and steely focus to attempt and overcome things in the real world that seemingly were well past our capabilities.

We can't always be physically at our best. We can however, bring a great attitude and a willingness to engage our mind in every aspect of the workout. Do this regularly and watch for the improvements right across your life. The choice is yours.

Have a great week!


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